Meet the aScope 5 Uretero Single Use Uereteroscope
Single-Use Bronchoscopes: Ready for Prime Time
Topics of discussion include a look at updated single-use comparison studies as well as new information on single-use versus reusable scopes.
The Power of Single-Use Endoscopy
This webinar explores the history of single-use endoscopy in the context of other healthcare paradigm shifts and examines evidence supporting a single-use endoscopy future.

Value-Based Care
Ownership costs are hidden in capital accounts, expensive service contracts and repair agreements that are capitated, a medical device industry executive writes.

Environmental Impact
Med-tech and healthcare companies are among those on the prestigious list, recognized for modifying products with sustainability in mind.

Public Health
Patient safety depends on it, infection preventionists say.

Bronchoscopy Procedure
New research links video gaming skills and bronchoscopy techniques in beginners.

Value-Based Care
Single-use cystoscopes not only save money but also contribute to a greener planet, according to researchers in Italy.

Emerging Technologies
The novel device features a 4.2mm working channel and expands Ambu's portfolio of single-use endoscopes for upper gastrointestinal (GI) procedures.

Emerging Technologies
Researchers’ assessment of the first available single-use gastroscope yielded high marks.

Public Health
A study examined ChatGPT-generated answers to otolaryngology questions through the lens of patients vs. physicians, with contrasting answers.

Performing Procedures
A data analysis evaluated the power of Ambu’s double-lumen tube, which offers continuous visualization, to save time and curb additional procedures.
aScope 5 Broncho HD Procedure: Foreign Body Removal - Cryoprobe
Post Gastric Bypass Evaluation Using Ambu’s aScope Gastro